How to Approach Search Ads in 2024

Unlock the power of Google Search Ads in 2024. Learn expert consolidation tactics, automation tips, and winning strategies to boost your ROAS.


Google Search Ads remain a cornerstone for most businesses. As we navigate through 2024, the strategies that once dominated the Google Ads world have undergone significant transformations. This comprehensive guide offers an unbiased perspective on approaching your search ads, drawing from years of experience managing, testing, and scaling campaigns across multiple e-commerce verticals.

The Evolution of Search Ads – From SKAGs to Automation

The past few years have witnessed a seismic shift in search ad management. We've moved from the era of micromanageable manual bids and Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs) to a landscape dominated by automation and consolidation. This evolution reflects Google's increasing reliance on machine learning and AI to optimize ad delivery and performance.

Why SKAGs Are Becoming Obsolete

While Single Keyword Ad Groups were once the gold standard for precise control, they're now falling out of favor for several reasons:

  1. Limited Reach: SKAGs restrict your campaigns to highly specific keywords, potentially missing valuable search queries.
  2. Missed Opportunities: By isolating keywords, you're limiting Google's algorithms from identifying and optimizing for relevant, high-performing search terms.
  3. Inefficient Use of AI: Google's machine learning thrives on data. SKAGs fragment your data, making it harder for AI to optimize effectively.

Consolidation: The Key to Search Ad Success in 2024

In the age of AI-driven advertising, consolidation has become crucial. Here's why:

  1. Data Aggregation: Consolidated campaigns provide more data points for Google's machine learning models, leading to more confident and stable performance.
  2. Improved Efficiency: Fewer, more robust ad groups are easier to manage and often perform better than numerous fragmented ones.

Rule of Thumb for Consolidation

Aim to consolidate your search ad campaigns as much as your business goals allow. The target should be to maximize the number of impressions per ad group, with a minimum of 3,000 impressions per week (or 5,000 per month) to ensure optimal performance and asset labeling.

Only segment your search campaign, when you have a good reason to do it.

When to Segment Campaigns

While consolidation is key, there are legitimate reasons to maintain separate campaigns:

  1. if you have a different business objective (Bid strategies or targets)
  2. If you want to allocate specific budgets (allocate more budget to service/product X)
  3. If you want to use campaign-specific goals (Macro vs. Micro conversions)
  4. If you want to use campaign-specific settings (location targeting)
  5. If you have specific insights the algo won’t know (business-specific insights)
  6. If you want to provide additional insights or reporting

Remember, consolidation is a process. Start by merging closely related keywords and monitor performance, gradually refining your approach for optimal results.

Winning Search Ad Tactics for 2024

  1. Embrace automation: Don't be afraid to leverage Google's AI-driven tools while maintaining a critical eye on performance.
  2. Focus on intent: Use search ads to capture high-intent users already in the market for your products.
  3. Continuous optimization: Regularly analyze search terms, adjust negative keywords to improve relevancy
  4. Quality Score optimization: Improve ad relevance, landing page experience, and expected CTR to boost quality scores and reduce CPCs.
  5. Ad extensions: Utilize all relevant ad extensions to increase ad real estate and provide additional information to potential customers.
  6. Responsive Search Ads (RSAs): Apply some logic to your RSAs, and don't aim to fill out all headline spots just for the sake of filling all headlines posts out.


As we navigate the complexities of Google Search Ads in 2024, success lies in embracing automation while maintaining strategic oversight. By consolidating campaigns and focusing on capturing high-intent searches, you can maximize your ROAS and drive meaningful results for your business.

Remember, the digital advertising landscape is always evolving. Stay informed, be willing to adapt, and continually test new strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

Ready to revolutionize your Google Search Ads strategy? Contact us for a personalized consultation and take your Google Ads campaigns to the next level!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How have Google Search Ads changed in recent years?
A: Google Search Ads have evolved significantly, moving away from manual bidding and Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs) towards more automated, AI-driven approaches. The focus is now on broader match types, responsive search ads, and smart bidding strategies that leverage machine learning to optimize performance.

Q: Is it still worth using exact match keywords in 2024?
A: While exact match keywords still have their place, especially for brand terms or highly specific products, the trend is moving towards broader match types. Exact match can be useful for maintaining tight control over when your ads appear, but it may limit your reach. It's often best to use a mix of match types, with a greater emphasis on broad match combined with smart bidding.

Q: How can I improve my Quality Score in Google Ads?
A: To improve your Quality Score:

  • Ensure high relevance between keywords, ad copy, and landing pages
  • Improve your click-through rate (CTR) by writing compelling ad copy
  • Optimize your landing pages for fast load times and good user experience
  • Use ad extensions to provide more information and improve ad relevance
  • Regularly review and update your keyword lists

Q: What's the best way to structure my Google Ads account in 2024?
A: In 2024, the trend is towards consolidation. Structure your account with:

  • Fewer, more broadly themed campaigns
  • Ad groups focused on related products or services
  • A mix of broad and specific keywords
  • Robust use of negative keywords to prevent irrelevant clicks. Remember to align your account structure with your business goals and target audience segments.

Q: How do I balance automation with maintaining control over my campaigns?
A: To balance automation and control:

  • Use automated bidding strategies but set clear performance targets like tROAS/CPA
  • Embrace broad match keywords but maintain a strong negative keyword list
  • Utilize responsive search ads while still crafting compelling ad copy variations
  • Monitor performance closely and be prepared to make manual adjustments when necessary

Q: What are the key metrics I should focus on for Google Search Ads in 2024?
A: While specific metrics may vary based on your goals, key metrics to watch include:

  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
  • Conversion Rate
  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Impression Share
  • Quality Score
  • Search Lost IS (rank)

Q: How often should I be optimizing my Google Search Ads campaigns?
A: Optimization should be an ongoing process. Here's a general framework:

  • Daily: Monitor performance and make minor adjustments
  • Weekly: Review search terms, adjust bids, and update ad copy
  • Monthly: Analyze broader trends, test new strategies, and make larger structural changes
  • Quarterly: Conduct comprehensive account audits and align strategies with business goals

Q: How can I compete against larger competitors with bigger budgets?
A: To compete effectively:

  • Focus on niche keywords relevant to your specific offerings
  • Emphasize your unique selling propositions in your ad copy
  • Improve your Quality Score to lower costs and improve ad rank
  • Use ad scheduling to bid more aggressively during your most profitable times
  • Leverage local targeting if applicable to your business
  • Continuously optimize your landing pages for better conversion rates

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